
Drowning In Wheat – John Kinsella | A Book Review

Drowning In Wheat - John Kinsella

Title: Drowning In Wheat

Author: John Kinsella

Genre: Poetry

About the book: It’s a collection of selected poems. I received a copy from Publishers Group Canada.

First impressions: Even early on, I was amazed at all the techniques used by the poet. Kinsella explores environmental issues related to land and animals. That being said, he often addresses specific issues that apply to his home country, Australia. I probably should’ve looked up the references I didn’t understand. Also, the book is longer than I expected at about 400 pages.


“you associate with those
you love most”

Writing: Some words and phrases seem like Aussie slang. I’d have an even greater appreciation for his work if I knew more about the issues Kinsella writes about. His poems touch upon important topics though. The collection opened my eyes to many ecological concerns.

Final thoughts: I loved a couple poems at the end. The book feels quite unified without being too repetitive. Overall, I liked both the form and content.

I’d recommend Drowning In Wheat to those interested in ecopoetry. Perhaps Kinsella’s work isn’t the most accessible or the easiest for beginners, but it provides a fun challenge nonetheless.

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