
My Journaling Journey

I started journaling on August 22, 2015. My birthday of all days.

I strive for one page. It doesn’t take too long to do, but I have enough space to express and explore my thoughts. The notebook I’m using currently is quite large, so I aim for half.

I love how calming and relaxing the process is.

Growing up, I used to have trouble falling asleep. I would stay up obsessing over everything. But journaling allows me to externalize my worries, fears, etc.

I journal every night, which helps clear my mind before bed. After all, I get to dump my concerns down on the page.

In a way, it’s therapeutic too.

I know no one will read my journal, so I let myself write what I want. I can be honest and speak my mind. Besides, I’m not writing to impress or please anyone.

I’m happy to say I’ve stuck with the habit every day for two years, nearly three now.

At times, my journal is like a diary. I enjoy recounting my day. What I did, what I didn’t do even.

Sometimes I’ll look back and reread my old entries. I love seeing how far I’ve come.

I don’t want to stop, so I plan to keep journaling.

Besides, I’m so used to picking up a pen and opening up the notebook. I don’t have to think about it.

I’m beginning to realize many of the things I do on a daily basis is out of habit. At one point, I decided to journal, to blog, to write.

I still choose to reach for a pen instead of the remote, open my journal instead of Facebook.

After all, good habits shouldn’t die hard.

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