
I Want To Write Full-Time

For the longest time, I imagined I’d have a regular 9-to-5 job, unrelated to writing while I wrote on the side during my own time. But these days I want to write full-time.

I’ve never considered myself to be a journalist. Despite some people seeing me as one, I don’t. I haven’t dabbled in journalism. I feel like I’m not that passionate about it. Even though I considered doing an undergraduate degree in journalism, I’m glad I didn’t. I love making up stories too much.

I’ve been thinking that instead of chasing a perfect career, I’d choose a preferred lifestyle. Rather than aiming to be an author, I should strive to create a life where I can write.

I need to be flexible and open-minded. Having an all or nothing mindset isn’t ideal. Besides if I never become an author, it’s not the end of the world. I’d be happy having a career that enables me to write.

I’ve also been thinking that a lot of people obsess over the highlights of a career, yet overlook the less glamorous aspects of a job.

Pursuing writing as a profession means dealing with criticism and rejection. Half the battle is being able to endure the bad.

All this to say, I still have no idea what I’ll be doing after I graduate. I just want to write.

16 thoughts on “I Want To Write Full-Time

  1. Cool! That’s awesome!
    From my own experience, I started as a translator only and then moved on to copy writing and translating as my day job (writing fiction in the evenings and before work). Although I don’t write fiction full-time (yet?), I do feel that I’m living a much more fulfilled life being able to write the whole day long.
    Perhaps copy writing is an option for you as well? 🙂

    BTW, love your blog posts even though I don’t always comment!


    1. Oh, nice. Thanks for sharing your experience. Here’s hoping one day you get to be an author full-time. I’m happy to hear that.
      Mhm, I could never be a translator, but I would love to write copy.

      Thank you so much! Glad you enjoy them. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh gosh yes! The dream… the dream you can make a reality if you really want to (as my namesake says heehee). I would absolutely love to write full time. Unfortunately it will not currently pay the bills – here’s hoping one day it will! Maybe I’ll become an author one day. A true author like Ian McEwan or Phillipa Gregory… who knows.

    Good luck on your journey to write for your profession. I’m sure you’ll find a good job which will allow you to write all day long 🙂

    I’m a carer by profession but I love it! I actually quite enjoy the difference between my day job and my evening/morning writing… I think it allows me to write better because I am not always always focused on it… my caring job needs a lot of time and focus to. And for now I’m happy – I could go so far as to say happier than I’ve ever been.

    All the best Herminia. Please let us know how you get on xx


    1. Mmm exactly. Here’s hoping our dreams come true. Ah, I like McEwan. Atonement was amazing. I haven’t read Gregory before.

      Thanks and likewise. I know you’re going to do great things. I’m working on that.

      Awww good for you. That makes sense. You can care during the day and write during the night. I’m happy to hear you’re happy.

      I appreciate it. Wishing you success!


  3. Phillipa Gregory is awesome – you should find some of her work and read it, she’s a historical fiction writer… I wana write some hisfic of my own someday as I am fascinated by history – studied it at uni 🙂

    And as for McEwan. Genius. Enough said.

    Thanks for wishing me success also. At the moment I am happy with where I am in life – I have dreams of course but I don’t mind if it takes me a while, even years, to achieve them! xx


    1. I like historical fiction. I don’t read enough of it. Thanks for the recommendation. Ooo cool. I’d love to read it. I took a few history courses in high school. I had an awesome teacher.


      Of course. Keep working and be patient. I can’t wait for you to achieve all your dreams. You got this!


      1. I’ve just found this reply now. Sorry for missing it.

        Thanks for the words of encouragement though – I’ll send you back lots of good wishes for your writing journey too… As for me, I’m gunna pay a bit more attention to my WordPress blog from now on I think. I’ve let it slip into the background for a long while. Over the next few months hopefully I’ll get some posts published onto it!


      2. That’s okay.

        No problem. Thanks so much. All the best with that! I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for your posts. I don’t blog as much as I used to though, so I’m not on here too often. Good luck.


      3. Hi Hermina,
        Thought I’d update you – my plan to post more failed due to moving house in October… Then I should’ve got back into it but didn’t really. With this Coronavirus pandemic at the moment maybe I can try focus more on my writing again, but having said that I’m a carer so I’m still going to work in my Care Home unlike most people, including my partner, who are working from home.
        How are you at the moment – are you working from home and finding time to write?

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Aw, I see. Moving takes a lot of time. Hope you’re taking care of yourself as well. If only we had more hours in the day to write. I’m doing okay, thanks for asking. As a content writer for a digital marketing agency, I get to work from home, Monday to Friday 9-5. I try to write poetry when I can. Wishing you all the best!


      5. It does, it’s a massive undertaking but so worth it in the end 🙂 me and my fella have a lovely flat now that we’re renting.
        I am taking care of myself thank you, it definitely something that I’ve got better at recently out of necessity as my job is very intense.
        That sounds like a good job, lovely that you’ve been able to work from home. I’m glad you’re finding time to write poetry too. Thank you. Good luck and all the best for all your writing ventures too


      6. Glad to hear that. I’m happy for you. 🙂
        Good good, you probably have such a busy schedule. Take breaks when you can.
        I feel very fortunate. Mhm, I read and write whenever I’m not working. Thanks!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. You have a long, productive life and career ahead of you, and judging from the writing style of your blogs the skill and talent to fulfill your dream to become a writer and in the meantime, do a lot of writing in your future job while being paid for some form of writing. You can do it, dear.


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