
Blogging 201: Give ‘Em What They Want, II

Today’s assignment:

Create a poll and/or a survey to collect feedback from your readers on your site and its content.

Because I’m curious and I don’t think I’ve ever asked this before:

Why did you make the conscious decision to follow me anyway?

The above was very much a rhetorical question. However, if you’d like to know why I’m following you, ask away and I’ll give you my honest answer.

Now that Blogging 201 is officially over, I’m going to go back to blogging about whatever my mind conjures up. Like always if you have suggestions or requests, let me know in the comments below. I’d be more than happy to comply.

This might seem like an afterthought, but I promise Camp has occupied plenty of my thoughts all month long. It’s over. Insane, huh? 31 days. Plenty of words richer.

Ready to do it all over again?


Blogging 201: Give ‘Em What They Want

Today’s assignment:

Do a basic stats analysis to help you create an editorial calendar for the next 30 days.

I’d love to know what you guys want to see and read on this blog.

While I hate saying this, I’m facing a bit of a dry spell in terms of content ideas.

Camp NaNo is going to end soon. Blogging 201 isn’t going to last forever. July is almost over. I’m off to university in a month and a half.

Tell me what you want. I’ll make it happen before my summer ends.

Writing related posts? Blogging articles? Book reviews? Something else entirely?

Leave any suggestions below. Or else you’ll have to put up with whatever my mind creates. You don’t want that, do you?

Blogging · Writing

July 2015: What I Love + Blogging 201: Get Read All Over

Because I knew exactly what I was going to be raving about in July, I decided to get a head-start and write parts of this post in June.

Guess what I’ve been loving this past month?

It’s none other than Camp NaNoWriMo. Imagine confetti and fireworks and balloons and streamers everywhere. It’s a party every day at my place.

Here’s why:

Camp NaNo and NaNoWriMo in general means I write more than usual on a consistent basis. 

The more the better. Consistency never hurt anybody. 

Other writers are going to attempt the task of finishing a novel.

Not an easy task, let me tell you.

It’s fascinating to hear about everyone else’s experiences.

Tell me your stories.

Even if you don’t reach your word count, you’re still a winner in my books.

Doesn’t that count for something?

If you write something, you’ll have more than you started with.

Go you.

Damage has been done. Look at my desktop before. I didn’t take a screenshot prior to July. I just moved all the files to one side today. Then I took a picture of with all the files, one for each day of Camp so far. 

Before And After Of My Desktop-Camp NaNoWriMo 2015

The file for day 22 hasn’t been created yet because I haven’t written today.

As you can see I also don’t have a title for my novel, not even a working one.

Today’s assignment:

Make sure your site is mobile-friendly, and familiarize yourself with the features of responsive design.

Mine is.

What about yours?

I hope you’re having a wonderful day. Or night.

Personal Reflection · Writing

Why I’m Loving Camp NaNoWriMo July 2015

Because there is no school and no stress.

July is a good month to do a whack-load of stuff. For me it’s the most relaxing month of them all.

I realize that sentiment doesn’t apply to everybody.

Still, ten months of school for fourteen years is the worst. At least once university starts, I’ll have eight months of school and four months of summer.

July is my most stress-free month. What’s yours?

As if I need to say it, but I’d rather write 50,000 words every month each year than go to school at all. Can someone grant me that wish?