
Empire of Storms – Sarah J. Maas | A Book Review

Empire of Storms - Sarah J. Maas

Title: Empire of Storms

Author: Sarah J. Maas

Genre: Fantasy

About the book: It’s the sixth novel in the Throne of Glass series.

First impressions: I finally got around to picking up Empire of Storms. I don’t know why I took so long, but I’m glad I did.

I was excited to read it even though I forgot some details. That said, I enjoyed slowly recalling what happened as the story unfolded.

Characters: I love all the characters from Aelin to Rowan to Aedion to Lysandra. Manon becomes more likeable as well. The storyline with Elide and Lorcan grew on me. I also enjoyed Dorian’s role. Everyone has such a complicated history, which makes for dynamic characters. As always, the banter between the friends is so fun to read.


“Don’t waste your energy worrying about what could have been.”

Writing: This book more than the others takes romance to the next level. As a result, it may not be as appropriate for much younger audiences. I’m not the biggest fan of romantic storylines in general, but at least there aren’t any tropes I hate like love triangles.

It’s much longer than the previous books, but the plot still feels fast-paced.

Many scenes contain fighting, blood, violence, etc. I didn’t mind it too much. If you are a bit more sensitive to those themes, fair warning in advance.

I’m all for various cliffhangers at the end of some chapters as well as the twists and turns within them. There’s never really a dull moment even when Maas is world-building.

Final thoughts: The ending blew me away. I want to read the next book now because I have to know what happens.

If you haven’t read it already, I highly recommend Empire of Storms, especially to fans of magic in fantasy stories. Also, I suggest reading the other books first, so you have a better understanding of everyone’s past.

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8 thoughts on “Empire of Storms – Sarah J. Maas | A Book Review

      1. Maybe, yeah. But I know what you mean. Some series get so far in that it’s hard to start them when everyone else is talking about book 12.


      2. I put off Harry Potter for a very long time too. I had watched the movies and loved them but didn’t get to the books for a while. I even predicted who the “half-blood prince” was in the sixth book before it came out just by watching the movies, lol.


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