
Being A Writer During The Summer

Since it is summer here in my region of Canada I’ve seen plenty of people cooling down at the beach, going to barbecues, or lounging around in their backyards. Summer is a great time to relax, don’t get me wrong, but summer is an even better time to sit at your desk and write.

Here is why being a writer in the summer has its benefits along with some er…slight drawbacks.

Advantages To Being A Writer During The Summer

  • You don’t get tanned. You’re inside writing all day remember?
  • You don’t have to worry about mosquito or bees biting you. Unless you open your door and let them in. Which I highly suggest you don’t.

Mosquito Bites

  • You don’t sweat all too much. As long as your A/C is running. Hey, if you’re running low on money (which writers always are) then at least you have a fan? Minds and Machines

Disadvantages To Being A Writer During The Summer

  • You miss out on the sun rays beating down on you, the possibility of getting a painful sun burn/sunburns, and increasing your risk of getting skin cancer from harmful UV rays. That’s a part of life.The Sun
  • You can’t brag about all the bug bites you’ve gotten on your arms and legs to your friends. Suck it up.
  • You’ll get stares from everybody in your family because your sweat glands won’t be overly active like theirs. Sorry.

There’s no time like the present to write. So enjoy your summer as a writer.