
Not a Happy Family – Shari Lapena | A Book Review

Not a Happy Family - Shari Lapena

Title: Not a Happy Family

Author: Shari Lapena

Genre: Mystery Thriller

About the book: It’s a standalone about the Merton family who were never happy because of a vindictive father and a neglectful mother. When the parents Fred and Sheila are murdered, suspicion falls on the three adult kids: Catherine, Dan, and Jenna who each stand to inherit millions. As the detectives investigate, everyone is keeping secrets of their own.

First impressions: The premise sounded interesting, so I was looking forward to the story. The beginning introduces most of the main characters right away.

Characters: I wasn’t too invested in anyone at the start. No one is that likeable, but you can relate to them. There aren’t too many people involved and everyone seems suspicious, so it’s fun trying to guess the killer.


“Because let me tell you something about expectations. It’s better not to have them. Because you will be disappointed.”

Writing: It’s about 365 pages with short chapters and red herrings. The pacing slows down in the middle but picks up toward the end. While the plot isn’t that hard to predict, I still enjoyed seeing it unfold.

Final thoughts: The big reveal isn’t too shocking, and it makes sense. The ending answers some questions but doesn’t wrap up everything in a neat little bow. There’s also an epilogue that adds another layer to the story. If you’re a fan of domestic murder mysteries about rich families, you may like Not a Happy Family. It’s an easy, entertaining read.

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