
“Would You Rather” Book Tag

I was tagged by a beautiful, lovely, and wonderful blogger, and I could go on forever, but I won’t. Don’t do yourself a disservice by neglecting to check out who I’m talking about. She runs this fabulous blog over at Inkcouragement. Phantomwriter143 is such a nice URL. It rolls off the tongue. Try saying it 143 times. I think you’ll agree with me.

Would you rather only read trilogies or only read standalones?

Trilogies because if I had to read standalones and only standalones, I’d convert them into a trilogy by writing the next two books myself.

Would you rather only read male or female authors?

This one is terrible. Can I refuse to answer? I’m going to say male even though I’m currently reading a book written by a female. Does anyone want to go through my Goodreads and create a male to female ratio?

Would you rather shop at Barnes and Noble or Amazon?

Barnes and Noble although I’ve never been to one. Is anyone willing to take me there? I’ll pay for your purchase.

Would you rather books were made into TV shows or movies?

Neither. But if I had to pick, I’d say TV shows. The one movie adaption I watched (i.e. TMR) left me wanting more.

Would you rather read only 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?

When it comes to reading, the more the better. Plus reading 5 books a week would be the ultimate dream.

Would you rather be a professional author or reviewer?

Professional author hands down. I’m not a good reviewer. I’m not sure I’d be a good author either. A girl can dream. Let a girl dream.

Would you rather be a librarian or a bookseller?

I used to want to be a librarian. Now I’d much rather be a bookseller.

Would you rather read only your favorite genre, or every other genre but your favorite?

All other genres because I need variety. Plus reading the same authors over and over again would drive me crazy.

Would you rather only read ebooks or physical books?

Physical books. I have yet to read and finish one entire ebook.

I tag all of you because excluding people just isn’t my thing.