Blogging · Reading · Writing

Picking One Of My Passions

I love reading, writing, and blogging so much, they’re daily habits of mine. At least I try to do them every day. I had the brilliant idea of making myself pick one of my passions over the others. This will be fun.

Reading or writing?

I already hate myself for doing this. I can’t give up creating stories. I say this while staring at all the books on my shelves. They used to be empty, but it’s slowly filling up.

Writing or blogging?

I’m reminded of the time I thought I could only take a writing class or a blogging one. Turns out, I could take both, so I did. Interestingly enough, I did slightly better in the blogging course, but my heart still loves writing more. Also, I’ve skipped more days of blogging than I have writing since I started both.

Reading or blogging?

This is tough as well. I can’t imagine myself not reading ever again. After all, I’ve been reading almost my whole life and blogging for only one fifth of it.

Hopefully, I never have to give up any of my passions. I feel grateful I’m able to do the things I enjoy. I wouldn’t be the same without books, blogs, and baseball. The latter is a story for another day however.


Thinking About Taking A Break From Blogging

It seems as though thinking about taking a break from blogging is becoming a trend for me. A few times every year I consider going away on an extended hiatus. More often than not, I weather the storm and ride things out. Interestingly, when I think about not blogging for a few days or weeks even, I’m inspired to blog more.

That being said I didn’t post yesterday. I had a massive headache and couldn’t function like abnormal human being. So I took some medicine before trying to sleep it off. I’m feeling much better if you’re wondering, which you probably weren’t.

Whenever I entertain the idea of skipping a day or twenty, it’s mainly because I feel busy. That’s not my biggest concern this month.

To be honest, I haven’t been too motivated or excited about blogging as of late. I figured taking a few days off might help.

But if there’s one thing I am it’s stubborn. I don’t like the idea of not publishing a post every day. I almost forced my drugged up self to blog yesterday until I thought better of it.

Regardless of what’s going on in my personal life, I want to put in a little bit of work as often as possible.

I won’t give up this gig anytime soon. I hope I can figure everything out. I just know what I’m doing now doesn’t feel right.

Maybe my high expectation syndrome is rearing its ugly head.

I also wouldn’t go say far as to say I’m burnt out. At least not from blogging.

I like to think I’m not bored either.

I’m just set in my ways. So stubborn in how I operate that when things turn out differently, a part of me isn’t happy with the result.

It’s like I have this specific but vague vision of what this blog should be and how my posts need to look. Otherwise, I’m shaking both of my fists at myself.

Nevertheless, the more I blog, the more I realize how little I enjoy editing, especially in comparison to writing. I’ve been procrastinating proofreading and publishing. This issue has contributed to how I’ve been feeling lately.

As a teenager, I used to manage my time better. All that went out the window way too soon.

Don’t ever believe someone who tells you blogging is easy.


The Direction Of This Blog?

I’ve been struggling with what direction I want this blog to go in. When I first started, I didn’t have the clearest sense either. I just knew I liked writing about writing, so that’s what I did. And I’ll still continue to write about being a writer.

As of late, I’ve been composing more personal blog posts. Posts about my thoughts, my life.

I often wonder why bother. No one is going to read it. And even if someone does, he or she won’t care. But that’s kind of the point in a way. To write, to blog as though no one will read your words. The point isn’t to impress or please. I’m not trying to be perfect or flawless.

Ultimately, I control what I want to write, what I publish. No one else.

This blog is becoming more of an online diary or a virtual journal. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that despite the annoying voice in my head telling me otherwise.

I will always write even if no one read anything I wrote.

Sometimes I forget how enjoyable blogging is. I can get caught up in numbers or results. But I can’t forget about the happiness creating brings me.

I’m constantly changing. This blog is too. That’s okay. It’s a good thing I’m not doing the same stuff I did four years ago. Right?

I should embrace change. One exception is the newer WordPress editor. Wake me up when the powers that be replace the newest one with a better one. Until then I will exclusively use the old editor.

I’m stubborn.

I feel proud of my old posts. I really like most of them. But maybe one day, I’ll be able to create content I haven’t created before and not feel guilty for not sticking to what I used to do.

All this being said, I’d love to hear any feedback you may have for me. What do you like? What do you hate? What do you want to see more of?

Thank you for stumbling across this blog and sticking around so long.


From One Blogger To Another

I have some thoughts about blogging that I want to share.

After being on WordPress for over four years, I’ve come to realize a few things.

I procrastinate writing. I put off editing. It’s not a good combination when trying to publish a post every day. Technically, every night.

I’m hard on myself. So hard.

I hope you aren’t as hard on yourself.

I want a post to be perfect or as close to perfect as possible, which makes me avoid doing the work. But by doing so I give myself less time to write and edit the post.

In short, I’m a bad blogger. But you already knew that.

Write. Edit. Publish. Don’t procrastinate. Don’t put off. Don’t be like me.


Being A Bad Blogger Again?

I have said I’m a bad blogger on many occasions. I’m not sure how many. I don’t keep track of all the truths I tell. But as this school year kicks into high gear, I feel the need to claim my bad blogger status again.

To be fair, you can blame my time management, well, lack thereof, for my shortcomings as a member of this lovely community. Still, I will do my absolute best to be my best.

Creating my own original content will always be a priority to me. I appreciate all of you who respect that.

I struggle, some days more than others with writing, editing, etc. I certainly don’t know everything there is to know. With each and every day, I’m learning. I am a student. I will always be one.

I’m well aware blogging is a two-way street. You give and take. You reciprocate. I’m not the best at reciprocating. If I’m being completely honest, I’ve probably gotten worse at giving back.

So with that being said, I want to take the time to thank all of you.

When I first started this blog four years ago in 2013, I never thought I’d still be blogging in 2017. Like with most things I figured I’d get bored and drop blogging like a hot potato. But I haven’t. Part of the reason why I haven’t is because of you.

To all the people who read my posts back when I had no idea what I was doing, not that I have any idea now, thanks for giving a new blogger a chance. Thank you to those who showed me the ropes and then allowed me to grasp them on my own. To everyone who reads and comments, I wish you knew how much it means to me. Your support, your encouragement kept me going even during the darkest winter nights when I thought about giving up.

I can’t make any promises or guarantees, but I can do better. And I will. Not just for me but for all of you who have stuck around.


Why I Blog

Some people blog for the wrong reasons. I like to think I’m blogging for the right reasons.

It’s not about the numbers. It shouldn’t be. But having followers is nice. Reading comments is fun.

When I first started my blog in 2013, I got so much joy out of writing. Creating. Making something from nothing.

For a time, I stopped enjoying the creative process as much as I once did because I was focused on the wrong things. But the bliss I felt when I first started blogging keeps me going. So I’ll keep trying to have fun as I write and edit.

Everything else is secondary to me. The views, the followers. Fame. Fortune.

I didn’t start this blog with the goal of turning it into a business. In many ways, I initially wanted blogging to remain a hobby, a passion. At least I want to blog for myself. Writing blog posts for others is a different story.

I hope I never forget the happiness I felt when I began in high school. How excited I was at the end of the day while brushing my teeth.

Four years ago, I made a decision to start a blog. And almost every day I’ve decided to stick with it. I want to see where this journey will take me. I’ve already seen and done more than I ever expected to back in April of 2013.

I don’t regret starting a blog. It’s one of the best things I’ve done in my twenty years of living.

I’ll continue to do my best to not regret, to live my life without regrets.

I haven’t always been where I am today. I went many years without a blog. But now it’s such a big part of my life. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t or couldn’t blog.

I have no idea what to expect from this coming school year. But I have a feeling blogging will be a constant. This blog has been a rock for me. It’s been a lighthouse. Everything I asked for and more.

Whatever happens, wherever I go, I’ll likely write a blog post about it.

What else would I do? Take a picture and post it on social media? Please. That’s just not me.


How Being A Blogger Is Like Being A Baseball Player

The other day I had a brilliant idea wherein I change my brand to blogging about blogging using baseball analogies and similes.

I'm joking about the brilliant idea. I'm not joking about the baseball part. Which is why I'm presenting you with this probably bad, definitely weird post about what bloggers and baseball players have in common.

Long hours.

Weekends and holidays, what are those? These don't exist when you're a pro baseball player, and they certainly don't exist for bored teenagers who decided to start a blog with the goal of publishing one post once per day.

Thick skin.

Otherwise, you'll break like a breaking ball. Get it? Because breaking balls break. I'm so helpful. I know. My friends tell me that all the time.

Constantly thinking.

About blogging or baseball even when you aren't blogging or baseballing. Allow me to butcher words as I please.

Continually failing.

If you get a hit three out of the ten times you come to the plate, you're considered an above average hitter. So it's okay to fail more than you succeed. Now if only I could publish one half decent post for every hundred that I write. Then a certain girl might be able to blog about baseball for a living.

Messing up.

Even professional baseball players make errors. News flash: they're human beings too. Last I checked, so are bloggers. Everybody and their moms screw up, but there's no need to beat yourself up over a minor mistake.

Hard work.

They say baseball is a mental game. People have said that, right? I can't afford to pay anyone to fact-check my content. And I'm too lazy to do it myself. Blogging is very much a mental game, if not even more so than any sport. After all, bloggers don't actually have to move anything but their fingers.

I probably struck out on with this post. Next time I'll write a hit.


Reasons Why You Should Quit Writing Right Now

  1. You suck.
  2. You’re bad.
  3. You’re busy.
  4. You’re lazy.
  5. You hate writing.
  6. You love not writing.
  7. You think writing is hard.
  8. You think writing is easy. 
  9. You rather do anything else than write.
  10. You rather do nothing else than write. 
  11. You haven’t published anything.
  12. You haven’t been paid to publish something. 
  13. You don’t have a bestseller. 
  14. You don’t have a movie deal for that non-existent bestseller.
  15. Your mom doesn’t read your poems.
  16. Your dad doesn’t read your stories.
  17. Your entire family hasn’t read anything you’ve ever written in your whole life. 
  18. You have a blog that no one reads.
  19. You have several blogs that no one reads.
  20. You don’t have time to put words on a page. 
  21. You don’t have the energy to lift a pen and place it on a piece of paper.
  22. You read a blog post from an unpublished writer telling you to quit writing and took her words seriously.