
The Innocent – David Baldacci | A Book Review

The Innocent - David Baldacci

Title: The Innocent

Author: David Baldacci

Genre: Mystery Thriller

About the book: It’s the first book in the Will Robie series, and he works as an assassin for the U.S. government. When he’s called to dispatch a target in Washington, something about the mission seems wrong, and he refuses to pull the trigger. Fleeing the scene, he crosses paths with Julie, a fourteen-year-old runaway from a foster home whose parents were murdered. As Robie learns more about her, he realizes that she is in the middle of a cover-up.

First impressions: I’ve read a lot of books by Baldacci, including some in this series. I was looking forward to finally reading the first one and seeing how everything started.

Characters: I like the characters and their development throughout the course of the story. They are easy to relate to and root for.


“Tomorrow was simply another day for something to go wrong.”

Writing: The book is about 545 pages. There are a lot of moving parts with interesting twists and turns along the way. I was able to see some things coming but others took me by surprise. I enjoyed the short, suspenseful chapters.

Final thoughts: The ending ties up loose ends and answers lingering questions. The beginning of the story sets the stage for the end, and things come full circle. I plan on continuing to read the rest of the series. If you’re looking for an entertaining crime thriller, I would recommend checking out The Innocent.