
The Runaway – Lisa Childs | A Book Review

The Runaway - Lisa Childs

Title: The Runaway

Author: Lisa Childs

Genre: Romantic Suspense

About the book: It’s the first in the Bane Island Trilogy. Rosemary Tulle gets a message from her sister, asking to be picked up from a treatment center that used to be an asylum. To learn the truth about Genevieve’s disappearance, Rosemary turns to a man she wants nothing to do with in Whit Lawrence.

First impressions: The premise intrigued me because I love a good mystery. The title and cover do a good job hinting at what the novel is about. I found it easy enough to get into the story thanks in part to the short, suspenseful chapters.

Characters: There are more characters than I expected, and it took some time for me to warm up to them. I liked how the relationship between Rosemary and Whit developed.


“Every man has something or someone in his past that haunts him.”

Writing: The book is a little over 300 pages long, alternating between different perspectives. In my opinion, the narrative unfolded at a good pace, especially at the end. It’s well-written aside from a few mistakes here and there.

Final thoughts: I saw some twists coming, but I still enjoyed seeing the story play out. The ending ties up many loose ends while also setting the stage for the next novel. If you like mystery with a romantic subplot, check out The Runaway.

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