
How Not To Request ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies)

How Not To Request ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies)

If you’ve ever wondered about requesting ARCs (advanced review copies), here’s how not to.

  • Email the wrong person/publisher.
  • Lie about your blog stats.
  • Mistype your contact information.
  • Draft an email only to delete it out of dread.
  • Request 1,048 books at once.
  • Clutter someone’s inbox with multiple emails.
  • Request ARCs for the wrong reasons.
  • Sell your soul to the devil.

Happy requesting, reading, and reviewing!

Personal Reflection

My Goals For 2019

Where do I even begin?

Read 40 books.

I’ve been able to for the past two years. Hopefully, 2019 isn’t an exception. On a similar note, I’ll try to post as many reviews as possible.

Write, edit, submit.

In a perfect world, I’d publish something somewhere. It’s out of my control though. Writing every day, editing my stories, submitting to contests…very much within my control.

Post content I’m proud of.

When I publish what I love, it makes me happy. I don’t want to be as hard on myself in 2019, yet my expectations are still high for this blog. More than anything, I can’t wait to create.

Learn more Spanish.

Fun fact, my name is Spanish. My dad speaks the language. I’ve been using Duolingo and doing two lessons every day.

Dance, exercise, stretch.

To be specific, I’d like to learn new moves, improve my core strength, and increase my flexibility.

Be nicer…to myself.

I’m my own worst critic. I guess I should also make an effort to be nicer to others as well.

What are your goals for 2019?


My Reading And Reviewing Journey In 2018

In 2018, I wanted to branch out and broaden my reading horizons. I also wanted to publish more book reviews on this blog.

As of now, I’ve read 42 books. I somehow managed to review most of them as well.

I read and review because I love stories. If I care about the characters, then I probably care about the story as well.

I’m excited. I can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store for me. I already have several books shouting at me on my bookshelf.

I’m so beyond grateful. I can’t thank you all enough for reading this blog, especially my book reviews.

In 2019, I hope to read even more and broaden my horizons further. I’ll continue to write reviews and blog about books.


To Tweet Or Not To Tweet

As a writer, I feel I should like Twitter. Of all the platforms, Twitter seems the most suited for writers.

I’ve just never been much of a social media user. I don’t always know what to say or share, especially online. Sometimes I think about sharing something but then stop myself for some reason.

In a way, tweeting is similar to blogging. I guess I’d rather spend more time writing or reading.

Also, there aren’t enough hours in the day to be everywhere and to do everything.

Perhaps I need to tweet about something unrelated to me. I’m not one to share personal details about myself in real life or on social media.

I’m better at writing than I am at posting. I have no problem drafting a tweet. But sending it out into the world is a different story.

It’s not easy to create content on a consistent basis. It’s even harder when these days almost anyone can criticize you.

I don’t know if I’ll ever get into Twitter. Don’t get me started on Instagram. I suck at social media. Big surprise, I know. So kudos to everyone who doesn’t.

Some days, I wonder if I was born in the wrong era. I need a time machine. Take me back to the days before social media existed.

Personal Reflection

Before You Learn To Fly, You Must Learn To Fall

Life is too short to hold back, yet I do. As much as I tell myself I don’t care what people think, my actions or lack thereof speak for themselves. I care. Sometimes I care way too much.

Life also hit me hard this year, literally and figuratively. At least, it isn’t about how hard I get hit, but rather how hard I hit back.

I love this blog with my whole heart, but sometimes that makes it harder to post. Every now and then, I think I can’t share something because it doesn’t relate to writing or reading. Still, I want to live my life and create content I love. So I’m trying to let go of the boundaries I set for myself.

I wish I could write whatever I want and share my work with the world. No doubts. No talking myself out of it.

On certain days, I feel bolder than others. Of course, there are times where I play things safe.

I often think about the consequences of putting myself out there. Then again, I have to.

The unknown terrifies every cell in my body. I’m such a planner. I want every little detail to be planned out ahead of time. But I can’t control everything or command everyone.

It’s okay to enjoy the moment. I’m learning to let go of the past. After all, the present is all I have. And I know better than most that life is so short. It can be cut short at any moment.

Fear of failure is the worst. I wish I could be afraid of heights or spiders instead.

I don’t want to hold myself back forever. I guess I haven’t felt ready to spread my wings. But before you learn to fly, you must learn to fall. You must first learn to fail.

Personal Reflection

Choosing The Right Career Path For Me

I don’t know what I’m doing. Then again, who does?

Somehow I graduate next year. I don’t feel ready, but at the same time, I can’t wait to get out of university and into the real world.

I’ve had four years to find myself. I still need more time to figure out who I am.

Obviously, I want to have an open mind. But I’d love to be able to work with words. After all, I enjoy reading, writing, blogging.

I tell myself if I want to stand a chance at any career, I have to be my best self. I also feel like I’ll have to work harder than most to get my foot in the door. Regardless, I will choose and pursue the right career path for myself, not anyone else.

In my opinion, what’s on your mind all the time says a lot about who you are, what you want.

I’m a writer. I want to write.

Personal Reflection

Getting Back Into A Routine

With family in town, some of my daily habits went out the window for a few days. I’m trying to get back into a routine sooner rather than later.

I miss having entire days at home to do whatever I please. I miss reading, writing, blogging, and dancing.

My body’s internal clock has been thrown out of whack as well. I’ve had to adjust, adapt.

I’m looking forward to catching up. More like I look forward to being caught up.

I have a lot of ground to cover. Still, I wouldn’t change a thing. I have no regrets. I can’t remember the last time I dropped expectations of getting work done and allowed myself to just have fun.

I feel thankful that I have the freedom to live such a flexible lifestyle.

Even though I do the same few things almost every single day, no day is exactly the same.

I can’t predict the future. I don’t know what tomorrow has in store. Let’s just say I’m always excited for new adventures.

Even the simplest activities can be a blast with the right company.

I need to live my life. After all, many stories are born out of new experiences. That said, I’m ready to return to my old routines.

Going forward, I will try to push myself. Instead of stopping out of laziness, I’ll challenge myself to go a little further.


Would You Rather: Bookish Edition

Would you rather only read the first book or the last book in a series? The first. I don’t want to be completely lost

Would you rather never go to a bookstore or a library ever again? Bookstores. I love libraries too much. I can always buy books online.

Would you rather live in a fictional world or have fictional characters live in your world? I want to live in a fictional world. That’d be fun.

Would you rather buy every book or borrow every book? I love buying books. My bank account doesn’t however.

Would you rather read out loud or listen to someone read to you? Read out loud. I don’t do it often enough.

Would you rather always bring a book with you or never be able to? Always bring a book. Ebooks make this much easier.

Would you rather throw a book into a fire or into water? Water. I don’t have what it takes to burn a book.

Would you rather eat dinner with your favourite author or favourite character? I’ll pick the brain of an author any day.

Would you rather spoil a book for someone else or have someone spoil a book for you? I can’t stand spoilers. So I’m going to spoil a book or ten for someone else. Sorry not sorry.

Would you rather have to recommend books you hate or be recommended books you hate? Be recommended books I hate. What an awful life either way.

Would you rather only read at home or on the go? I’m such a homebody. I do a lot of reading at home. I’ll survive doing other things on the go.