
Mercy – David Baldacci | A Book Review

Mercy - David Baldacci

Title: Mercy

Author: David Baldacci

Genre: Mystery Thriller

About the book: It’s the fourth book in the Atlee Pine series. She is an FBI agent, searching for her twin sister, Mercy, who was kidnapped when they were six years old. After a dangerous investigation, Atlee discovers that Mercy survived and escaped from her captors. Atlee faces even more danger when she gets closer to finding her sister.

First impressions: I’ve read the other books in the series, so I was excited to see how it would all come together. I’m glad that the beginning helped to jog my memory about what had already happened.

Characters: I like Atlee and Mercy individually, but I love their relationship with each other. I could see myself in both of them. I was also intrigued by some of the secondary characters.


“Part of her didn’t want to know his answer, but in life you needed to listen to things you didn’t want to hear, maybe those most of all.”

Writing: It’s a little over 450 pages with short chapters. I think the pacing of the plot works well. There are a lot of different moving parts. The novel contains many sad, sensitive scenes, specifically in relation to the abuse that Mercy suffered.

Final thoughts: I felt like the ending is fitting for this story and the series as a whole. I enjoyed following Atlee and her journey to find her twin. I highly recommend checking out Mercy if you’re looking for an action-packed thriller with strong characters.

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