
The Book of Two Ways – Jodi Picoult | A Book Review

The Book of Two Ways - Jodi Picoult

Title: The Book of Two Ways

Author: Jodi Picoult

Genre: Adult Fiction

About the book: It’s a standalone that revolves around Dawn Edelstein who is on a plane when it crash lands. Instead of thinking about her husband Brian, her thoughts are of a man she last saw 15 years ago. She survives and is faced with a choice: fly home to Boston to be with her family or return to Egypt and reconnect with Wyatt. Her two possible futures unfold side by side with doubts and secrets coming out.

First impressions: I’ve loved other books by Picoult, so I was excited to read this one. The premise sounded intriguing, and I liked how the story started. The short prologue sets up the rest of the novel.

Characters: Dawn, Wyatt, and Brian are complex, imperfect characters who are faced with difficult decisions. I enjoyed the conversations between them. Some of Dawn’s thoughts resonated with me.


“When you fall in love, it’s because you find someone who fills all your empty spaces. When you fall out of love, it’s because you realize that you’re both broken.”

Writing: It’s a little over 400 pages with short chapter breaks but long descriptions. I was more interested in Dawn’s story and less interested in the sections about the history of Egypt. There are a lot of themes explored like life and death, life and loss.

Final thoughts: The ending isn’t too surprising or unpredictable. I think it fits with the story as a whole. It’s mot my favourite Jodi Picoult book, but The Book of Two Ways is a thought-provoking read about the choices we make in life.

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