
The Girl in the Mirror – Rose Carlyle | A Book Review

The Girl in the Mirror - Rose Carlyle

Title: The Girl in the Mirror

Author: Rose Carlyle

Genre: Mystery Thriller

About the book: It’s a standalone about twin sisters, Iris and Summer, who look almost identical on the outside but are different otherwise. Summer and Iris sail their family yacht together, but one night, Iris finds herself alone in the middle of the ocean with Summer nowhere to be seen. When Iris arrives on shore, she pretends to be Summer. On the edge of being exposed, Iris has to decide how far she is willing to go to keep her identity a secret.

First impressions: The premise sounded intriguing, so I was interested to see where the story would go. The pacing is slower in the beginning, but it picks up.

Characters: I wasn’t as invested in the twins at the start of the book. I cared a little more as the plot progressed. I wish Iris was more likeable. There aren’t too many characters, so it’s easy enough to follow.


“Let’s not spoil things by looking back.”

Writing: It’s under 300 pages with short chapter breaks and some mature scenes. I enjoyed the second half of the book more than the first.

Final thoughts: The ending is interesting with a couple of twists. One is easier to predict than the other. It’s a dramatic read for people who want to be entertained and escape from reality. If you’re looking for a story about greed, envy, lust, and lies, you may like The Girl in the Mirror.

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