
Making The Most Of Unproductive Days

Unproductive days are okay. Sometimes you deserve to relax. Other times you have to be productive out of necessity.

Regardless, you can’t work all day, every day for 365 days of the year.

Life happens. Unforeseen events and circumstances occur. That’s how it always has been. How it always will be.

We can have the best intentions. We can make elaborate plans. But our intentions don’t always result in the things we expected or desired. Besides, plans fall through.

It’s tough to feel like you’ve let a perfectly good day go by. As if you wasted 24 hours. But if you were happy, if you spent some of the time doing what you wanted, would you say that’s wasted time? Or would you think it’s time well spent?

Perhaps you weren’t productive in the morning. But what’s stopping you from having a productive afternoon or evening?

Maybe you spend 8 hours sleeping and lying in bed every day, give or take. But if you work hard for even just 2 or 6 hours, you can still get a lot done.

Never let one bad thing have a domino effect on everything else. Never allow one negative person to ruin all the positives in your life.

In a perfect world, everything would be optimized all the time. But you don’t live in a perfect world. So one day you might prioritize blogging over reading. Another day it could be writing over editing. What’s the problem?

At least you’re making progress on something. And you’re doing what makes you happy.

Productivity isn’t just about getting a lot of work done. Because there’s so much more to life than just work.

Maybe working easy on the right things is better than working hard on the wrong things.


What Blogging Does For Me

I don’t think non-bloggers truly understand how much my blogs contribute to my happiness and sanity. Sometimes it almost feels like my happiness and sanity is entirely dependent upon blogging.

Being a blogger is challenging but rewarding at the same time. 

What I really mean is blogging makes my good days better and my bad days a little bit more tolerable.

I can’t say that about most things.

You know what makes my blogging experience so incredibly amazing? Other bloggers.

I’m going to stop while I’m ahead, as in before I throw another uncessary adverb into this post.


Types Of Bloggers

Short, quick, concise.

Me, for the most part.

Long, unhurried, detailed.

Not me, normally.

In their own world.

Me on bad days.

In everyone else’s world.

Me on better days.


One Of Those Days

Does anyone else have those days where you just aren’t happy with anything?

Those days make daily blogging more challenging. Days where I’m not pleased with any idea. Days where I want to scrap every draft. Days where I don’t want to publish a planned post because I simply cannot be satisfied.

I am too high maintenance for my own good.

Can I just smash my fingers on the keyboard already? I’m surprised I haven’t done that yet.

It’ll happen, one day. Just you wait.

Personal Reflection

Those Days…

  • You do too much
  • You do too little
  • You feel alive
  • You feel dead
  • You are productive
  • You are inactive

This weekend I’ve done too much, which has made me feel alive and productive.

But now I don’t want to do anything, except sleep forever and not move a single muscle in my body.


How I’ll Spend The Rest Of My Life

Fridays have become my lazy days.

And by lazy, I mean I could spend every Friday in my bed with a good book.

Then again, I could do that every day.

Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself, but this is how I’ll spend the rest of my life…after retirement.


Some Days

There are some days where I wake up craving to write. Then there are other days…


When All Hope Is Lost

Some days when all hope is lost, I turn to writing. Today is one of those days.