Personal Reflection

Don’t You Hate It When…

Don’t you hate it when you’re wrong?

I know I do.

Which is why I’m rarely wrong.

Blogging · Reading · Writing

Don’t You Hate It When…Part 2

Another Don’t You Hate It When post because frankly, you can never get enough of these especially if you fall into the category of being a writer or a blogger. Or even both.

Check out the first post here:  Don’t You Hate It When…

  1. Don’t you hate it when you are accused of being lazy because you sit in front of the computer all day but you are actually working much harder than anyone else?
  2. Don’t you hate it when you are accused of not getting out enough because you are too pale?
  3. Don’t you hate it when you return to real life after reading a book and realize how much real life sucks compared to the imaginary world the author crafted?
  4. Don’t you hate it when the people around you turn out to be more boring than the characters you envision in your head?
  5. Don’t you hate it when you enjoy talking more to yourself than to anyone else and you realize how much of a loner you’ve become?
  6. Don’t you hate it when you are typing up your blog post and your computer crashes?
  7. Don’t you hate it when you are called a stalker when in fact, being observant comes with the job?
  8. Don’t you hate it when the phone rings and you have to pick up it even though you are in the middle of the most important moment in your book?

These have all happened to me. Some once, some more times than I can count. How about you?

Blogging · Reading · Writing

Don’t You Hate It When…

A list of “Don’t you hate it when…” that mostly pertains to writers, readers, and bloggers.

  1. Don’t you hate it when you have to choose between sleeping and reading?
  2. Don’t you hate it when you suddenly become the most popular person around when you are trying to write?
  3. Don’t you hate it when people won’t shut up when you are trying to think about the only thing that matters to you, which of course is writing?
  4. Don’t you hate it when no one listens to you when you are accounting some awesome story you fell in love with?
  5. Don’t you hate it when your friends do not take your blog as seriously as you?
  6. Don’t you hate it when people spoil the ending of a book, movie, etc?
  7. Don’t you hate it when you read more than you actually write?
  8. Don’t you hate it when people don’t like to read and write as much as you?