
What Motivates This Writer

My ego.

It’s fragile.

My modesty.

It’s not nearly as fragile.

That self-critical voice.

More critical than my worst enemy.

That self-loving voice.

More loving than my best friend.

People who overestimate me.

I can’t let them down.

People who underestimate me.

I can’t disappoint them either.


You’re Not Just A Writer, You’re Also…

  • a mother/father/brother/sister
  • a friend
  • a human being
  • a lawyer/singer/baker/insert your occupation
  • an editor
  • a reader (I hope)
  • a beta reader (sometimes)
  • your own best friend (maybe)
  • your worst critic (probably)
Creative Writing · Personal Reflection

Happy Birthday Poem For Her (To A Friend With Rhyme)

I know I have written plenty of happy birthday poems already. See list below to understand what I mean. However, today is an extremely special birthday. This one goes out to an awesome buddy of mine who’s everything you could ever ask for in a friend. I just had to pen another happy birthday poem, especially for her.

Happy Birthday With Balloons

To the best girl on earth

I hope you understand your self-worth

You’re sweet, funny, and so kind

Better yet you have an open mind


You made me laugh when I wanted to cry

Not every hello has to end with goodbye

I know we’ll stay friends forever

Because I’ll support you in every endeavour


Cheers to you, seize this time

Everything you do is always sublime

I waited so long to finally say

Happy seventeenth birthday

Happy Birthday Candles

Here is the list of older poems:

Happy Birthday Poem (For Her With Rhyme)

Happy Birthday Poem (For Him With Rhyme)

Happy Birthday Poem (For Cousin With Rhyme)

Happy Birthday Poem (For Mother With Rhyme)

Happy Birthday Poem With Rhyme (For Fan/Friend/Family)

Happy Birthday Poem (To All With Rhyme)

Personal Reflection

Happy Chinese New Year! Happy Friday! Happy Birthday!

Happy Chinese New Year!

To those who don’t celebrate, happy Friday!

You know what I just realized? Today is January 31st. The last day in January. Happy last day of January everyone!

Hope everyone is having a terrific day. Have an incredible weekend. Wishing you all a wonderful end of January and a new start in February.

Also, a quick shout-out to one of my best friends in the entire universe! Thank you so much for being there day after day. You’re the best! Happy birthday girl!

Apologies for the excessive exclamation marks. I am just overly excited.

Thanks a bunch to all of you for making the start of 2014 so fantastic.

I look forward to the next 11 months with the best fans ever.

