Blogging · Reading · Writing

Never Will I Ever…

Never will I ever let anyone suck the joy out of writing. Or blogging. Or reading.

That just won’t do.

I don’t care what anyone says about the stories I create, the posts I publish, or the books I peruse.

Nobody has the ability to ruin the three things I love most in this world.

15 thoughts on “Never Will I Ever…

  1. You can’t let anyone bring you down when it’s something you’re most passionate about. Also, did you have that rhyme on purpose? Because that was well done.


      1. First thing I noticed… lol. I’m one of those people that if I rhyme accidentally I have to point it out to everyone. 😉


  2. Yikes! Sounds like somebody has pushed a button. How dare they??? I’m with you. Your joy is your joy is your joy! Of course I know nothing about what might have happened, and I might be stepping in deep do-do. And it’s probably none of my business. But it’s your joy! And mine! 🙂


    1. Yeah, non-writers are such trouble-makers sometimes. Don’t worry about getting in my business. In fact, I truly appreciate your comment. It’s nice to remind people to enjoy what they want despite what others say or do.

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