Personal Reflection

August 2015: What I Love Birthday Edition

So I finally get to explain why my “What I Love” posts are on the 22nd of every month.

Cue drumroll please.

No? Okay.

My birthday is August 22, 1997.

I figured it’s fitting to devote a monthly post in honour of something or someone I love. At the very least, it’ll make me more appreciative of all that I have.

Because I’m turning 18 today and I’ll already be a year older by the time this post is up, I’m making a list of 22 concepts/people/things I love. In no particular order, of course.

  1. Speaking of lists, I love them.
  2. The number 22 for obvious reasons.
  3. August. I’m lucky I don’t have to go to school on my birthday.
  4. Simple Plan. I need to see them play live.
  5. School supplies and stationery. I’m cheating, I know.
  6. Shopping. Um, uh…let’s move on.
  7. Good food. I adore eating.
  8. Great music. How does anyone hate it?
  9. Red. It’s my favourite colour.
  10. Challenges. Bring them on.
  11. Teachers and mentors. I am indebted to them.
  12. My family for supporting me and stroking my ego.
  13. My friends for making me cry tears of laughter and joy.
  14. My enemies for telling me lies that I will never allow to be true.
  15. Pens for composing my stories.
  16. Notebooks for carrying my words.
  17. Dancing. And all things associated with it like dancers or dance shoes.
  18. Blogging. Again, anything related to blogging as well. Other blogs. Beautiful bloggers.
  19. Writing. Creating characters gives me life.
  20. Reading. Books were my first love.
  21. Myself. Because self-love is important.
  22. You! I don’t say this enough though I ought to; I love you.

29 thoughts on “August 2015: What I Love Birthday Edition

  1. Wanted to show off with my drum roll spectacular from top of the mountain, so everyone could hear it, but as I started, the drum fell of its pedestal and rolled down the side the mountain… oh well, at least it was an original sound. 😀


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